By no means can this be considered a definitive exploration of high stakes testing, and its effects on any of the constituent populations, be they the educators, the administrators, politicians, or consumers (of all socio-economic classes.) We have shown that high-stakes testing from inception (Horace Mann) to current implementation (NCLB), was designed to “close the gap” for immigrant and minority populations, or more generally to equalize the educational aptitude, access, and achievement of all Americans. However, our research, as well as many prominent educational researchers has shown that this has not been the reality created by the indoctrination of high-stakes testing into the American Educational System. There is no magic bullet to wipe out every issue involved with high-stakes testing. At this point, most researchers find themselves in a place where they can only offer suggestions to ameliorate said problems. At best, with a national education plan in place, the best that can be attempted at the state and local levels are stop gap measures. High-stakes testing has effects that reach far beyond the classroom, into the homes and lives of the consumers, as well into the political powder keg of today’s America. Every aspect of this paper, cultural capital, test validity, effects on teachers, the effects on students, accountability, and research methodology are all deserving of their own investigations. That said, this endeavor has provided a solid basis for inquiry into the myriad of issues discussed, as well as additional associated ones not discussed here. High-stakes testing does in fact have high stakes, but unfortunately they are not all for the students.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
In designing the research methodology for this investigation, it seemed that a two pronged approach would produce the most accurate results. This investigation was initially designed to look at the effects of high stakes testing through the evaluation of prevailing educational literature as well as being driven by data gathered through surveying current educators (teachers of all levels including collegiate teachers in the field of education, administrators, etc.) as to how they viewed the effects, if any, of high stakes standardized testing. However, what was learned from attempting such an approach was how highly volatile and politicized the subject was. There are strict procedures set in place to ensure the validity of such an investigation, and due to the importance of the subject at hand, it is with good cause. Quintessentially, our literature review led us to develop certain questions which, when asked to such educators, would provide an accurate, realistic, and somewhat less biased portrait of the situation.
This paper investigates accountability issues of standardized tests and their affect on low-income and racial minority student’s ability to acquire cultural capital. While this shall embody a significant portion of this paper, other issues are examined such as systemic issues (validity, accuracy, etc) with educational legislation such as the “No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), as well as the delicacies of conducting research in a highly politicized and “high stakes” topic. The goal here is not to be propagandistic but to be objective and explore these issues in such a manner that it heightens awareness of the many issues relative to standardized testing. Lastly there is an examination of curriculums that are programmed, scripted and designed to improve test scores of urban students in low-income communities
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Comparing Shultz Pedagogy to The Pedagogy of Poverty
Shultzs’ Pedagogy is exemplary of what good teaching should be. He has taken the time to explore the interest of his students. He is not the authoritarian dictating what the students should be learning. Take a look at the core functions of urban teaching; giving information, asking questions, giving directions, making assignments, monitoring seat work, reviewing assignments, giving tests, reviewing tests, assigning homework, reviewing homework, settling disputes, punishing non-compliance, marking papers, and giving grades. As stated in the Pedagogy of Poverty a teacher not performing these acts for most of the day would be regarded as defiant. With all of the aforementioned activities going on in urban schools not to even speak of the ancillary activities such as record keeping, parents teachers meetings, staff meetings, etc. The students continue to perform poorly and the proficiency levels are unexpectedly low. I use the adjective unexpectedly because I think the policy makers belief is that with all these functions at work, success is expected.
The Pedagogy of Poverty is using methodologies to force students into learning. It is the root cause of more failure. This ideology is simply dated and does not work. The contrast between the Pedagogy of Poverty and Shultzs’ pedagogy is astonishing. He has fifth grade urban students producing work well beyond there grade level. This is being done with very limited resources. The students have responded exceedingly well to the task.
The most important aspect of this comparison is that, Shultzs’ students have stepped out side of traditional conforming pedagogy and have demonstrated the intrinsic value associated with working on real life projects. Shultzs’ Pedagogy is a lesson that illustrates reform.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Shultz: Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way
Shultz is a teacher in a situation that appears to be hopeless. He is in a situation where not only the school is in need of major repairs, but the community has serious issues as well. However, he is steadfast and relentless about they way he teaches his students. He is tolerant and understands their plight.
The biggest challenge these students face are understanding the system and bureaucracy. They definitely understand the inadequacies of their school and what is needed to rectify the problem. The biggest obstacle for them is organizing and learning how to implement an effective strategy to voice their concerns.
This is a perfect example of an urban school with talented students. They are unmotivated by traditional pedagogy and are excited about working on a project that had practical implications. As one student clearly pointed out mathematically, the number signatures that could be solicited if they each spoke with a certain number of people. Some of the students were involved in putting together PowerPoint presentations.
There are talented students in urban schools and educators have to implement a pedagogy and environment that fosters discovery. Here we have urban students working on a project in which they are interested in. These are students who were not being challenged with the schools textbooks; however they were eager advocates for a new school.
McDonnell, Lorraine M. (2005). No Child Left Behind and the Federal Role in Education: Evolution or Revolution?
As we well know there are major issues concerning the policies of NCLB. However it is our responsibility as educators to research information that supports our concerns. One issue that continuously comes to the forefront of these policies is accountability and the imperatives associated with it.
Have these educational policies shifted their intended focus to other areas or are they just subtle transformations? One could argue that nothing has significantly changed since the 1960’s. However it appears that during each change government administration has created a need to approach dilemmas in new ways.
The ideology that justified public education was beginning to shift its focus in the 1980’s. This article explains that it went from remedying the effects of past injustices to promoting broad-based access to tools necessary for economic self-sufficiency. During the 1990’s the educational reform issues moved toward core instruction. Over time research evidence suggested that standardized tests were one of the most powerful tools that politicians had at their disposal.
According to this article there has been more of an evolution than a revolution with educational policies and that there has not been in radical changes made in either of the aforementioned mandates.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Perspective on Article: Test scores plummet as state raises standards
I recently posted a blog about a state wide plan that would increase the number of credits that high school students will need to graduate. Now here is an article on how changes to
More students throughout the state of
It appears from the data provided that most of these students were not sufficiently prepared for any type of testing whether it was rigorous or not. Certainly setting the bar low is not the answer and I think it only compounds the problem. If a student is conditioned for a test that only requires him/her to get 1/3rd of the questions correct, then some if not most will prepare to accomplish this only and more time will be spent on leisure activities such as playing games, surfing the internet, and listening to their ipods.
In my opinion something is terribly wrong and a fix is needed. The revision needs to be revisited because the rate of non-proficiency can conceivably increase. Mistakes are made and it is my hope that this issue will be resolved.
I think there has been to much focus on teaching to the test. Students need to be motivated and pedagogical methods that focus on understanding, which brings meaning to the subject content matter need to be implemented.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Opinion: Article “State Plan to revamp high school curricula met with tough questions
Today I happened upon an article concerning the New Jersey Public Schools. There was a two hour meeting to unveil a plan that would change the current requirements for graduation. The Corzine administration has embraced a plan endorsed by thirty three states to raise the standards in mathematics, science and proficiency testing. This will effect the current minimum graduation requirements which will increase by 10 credits. It will also require students to take on-line courses for classes in foreign languages and economics.
The plan is still on table for discussion and according to state administrators it could take a full year before it is implemented. However, there is fervent objection by many educators and others whom are opposed to further testing and mandates limiting options.
Some believe that this is just window dressing for a college preparatory curriculum. It appears that they want more options for students who do not plan to attend college upon graduation. Maybe the revisions will take this into consideration.
A few recent high school graduates whom are attending
This is one example of many issues that is affecting graduates state wide. While I do agree that there should be more options, it is unexceptable to compromise a students education.
In my view, while the plan may not offer enough options, it does address some serious academic issues that warrant action. I think it is impossible to introduce a plan that would be amiable to all.
It is my hope that the glitches will be worked out in this plan so that graduates attending college will not have to take remedial courses.
Monday, October 20, 2008
My Perspective: Here’s a Plan for Saving Urban Kids
It could very well be that, Jawanza Kunjufu, excluded the sense of agency because it has not produced any tangible results from his perspective. I’m of course only making an assumption because there is nothing to support this premise. I have never read anything pertaining to education that he has written. Therefore I have no prior knowledge of his past ideologies but he does state in the theme of the article, “Here’s one plan for saving urban kids”, qualifying it with “one” may be the basis for non-exclusion.
With that said I think some of, Jawanza Kunjufu, list of suggestions are palatable and should be entertained in an effort to prepare children for bright and productive futures. Let’s face it, without any direction, children become educated by the media and they envision themselves in unrealistic future occupations such as, sport stars, musicians, and comedians.
3) Institute Looping
He favors looping which is keeping the same teacher with the same group of students. The teacher has the student from freshman to senior year.
He believes the student will form relationship with the teacher making the school seem or appear smaller.
Kunjufu says research has shown teachers lower expectations for
poor children, boys, minority children and kids who are unkempt.
He says schools must enforce high expectations for kids without
exception. If you expect kids to perform poorly, they will. If you
expect them to excel, they will too.
Whether you look at kids in special education or prison, you will
find a large percentage with major reading problems, he said.
In the majority of black schools, Kunjufu said too often the reading
materials are not targeted to the kids’ interests. He urges teachers
to consider the reading materials that they have and ask if they
would interest their students, especially black boys.
Urban kids tend to focus on unrealistic career paths, such as
playing pro basketball or becoming a famous rapper. Schools
should teach them tools for more realistic careers where they can
gain similar fortunes.
entrepreneurship and real estate. These careers can gain similar fortunes.
He suggested making a senior project in which three student-
designed business plans would get $50,000 in seed money to
start the businesses. That sort of realistic incentive would
motivate kids to learn financial skills.
From my perspective these are valid proposals that should be evaluated from a pros and cons viewpoint. For instance, institute looping; may be good for students to develop bonds with the teachers over an extended period. The student will probably be less apprehensive about inquiry. At the same time the student is not being exposed to a dynamic environment, and therefore may develop a complex toward change. Nothing is as static as it was years ago and things change within our intellectual environment very rapidly. This may have some validity but there has to be some balancing so that the student learns to adapt to change.
Now let’s look at number 4, raise expectations, I think that this proposal is valid. Expectations should be the same for all children. They intuitively understand how they are being viewed. You should not vary intellectual material according to race, gender or ethnicity. Standardization for all is a must for equal education.The next is number 6, reading must be treated as the most important subject. I concur with Kunjufu on this proposal. Literacy is the most important aspect of learning. If you cannot read then your level of understanding is diminished significantly. All content areas require a certain level of understanding for success. Students must read material of their interest to foster literacy.
While I can appreciate some of Kunjufu s’ perspective it is not without flaws. Not once did he mention anything about parents, community, or extended family. It would be hard to foster this type of mindset without their involvement, from my perspective. Again maybe he intended to include them but assumed it was a given. He does make some good suggestions whether they are practical or not.
Kunjufu speaks of gender specific classes and that boys should start their education later than girls. He is contradictory because he states that everyone should have the same educational opportunity.In a broad sense it is helpful to view the perspectives of educators on a national level. It can help shape and broaden your knowledge about the evolution of urban education.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Unequal Childhoods
There are three families in Unequal Childhoods that would have a tough go at sustaining there families in
Now let’s look at the two remaining less fortunate families the Brindles and the McAllisters, both receive public assistance. Neither of these families including the
As for the Tallingers , the Williams, and the Marshalls they could live in
This information will be useful for the urban educator because if gives him or her a point of reference. Being cognizant of the socio-economic issues within the community where you will be teaching can be a tremendous asset.
Unfortunately there are many problems associated with families who are socio-economically deprived. As an educator in an urban center, it is likely that I will be confronted with the 22% of families with inadequate incomes that only possibly have a high school diploma.
A concerned educator would want to have information that will help him or her develop the disposition needed to confront various issues. For instance, a student who you feel is genuinely interested in their academics becomes disinterested, maybe there are some mitigating factors which need to be implemented. It may require a call to the students home, to speak with the parents to get a gauge about their concerns. Whatever the issue may be having some knowledge about the community can help to resolve various problems.
In reality being an informed educator within the community will serve to help everyone involved, better understand each another. You can’t use the same approach for everyone in the community, especially in an urban city. It is so diverse that various approaches have to be adapted, to have an ameliorative effect.
My concern is for the student’s education and how I can motivate them to strive for excellence. To have an understanding that they can succeed regardless of the obstacles that may confront them. That hard work, persistence, faith and perseverance can supersede any of the negative in which they have no control.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Perspective: Urban Schools: What is Happening to the Urban Public Schools in this Country?
The architecture of this school is spectacular. It is considered a historical landmark. It’s located up on a hill and from this vantage point there is a magnificent view of other landmarks such as the Capital, the Monument, and many other important structures. It was known for its sports, marching bands, and academics. Its very existence and what it stood for made me proud to be a Washingtonian.
It sickens me to see the neglect of this iconic historical structure. Students complain that it is hard to focus on academia because of the neglect and disrepair. Paint peeling from walls and lockers, holes in the gymnasium floor, inoperable bathrooms along with numerous other infrastructure problems which could cost millions to repair
Why was this allowed to happen in the first place? Has it gotten that bad in some urban communities that the people, politicians and policy makers just don’t care anymore? What happened to the dignity, and moral fiber by which this country was built? Should we continue to rely on the very people that we elect, to perpetrate this outrageous neglect? How can students get a quality education when the infrastructure of the building is falling apart around them? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what the result of this will be. The students are the ones who will be most affected.
The people of the community need to take a firm stand and confront the policy makers from the top down, and demand action. Registered voters have power and the politicians need your vote. Make it known that your voice will be heard and that you have a vested interest in the schools within your district. This is the only way to salvage our school system, to enable our children to get a quality education to compete in this global diverse economy of the 21st century and beyond.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Introspective: The Real Cost of Living in 2008: The Self-Sufficiency Standard for New Jersey
This document details some startling information as to what constitutes a family or person, to be designated as economically deprived. It makes a comparative analysis on the local, state and national level. Charts and graphs delineate annual incomes and hourly wages to represent that which is considered sufficient or insufficient (Federal Poverty Level-
As I began to read and think critically about the information, it became apparent that it is imperative to be knowledgeable about financial issues relative to the cost of living in
There are arguably many inadequacies with how the
I will urge any professional educators to acquaint themselves with the information in this document. I feel that it is incumbent upon me to be aware these issues, which enables me to have an understanding about the dynamics of living standards throughout the state. As a teacher in an urban school, it is feasible that I may be confronted with some of these issues and will be in a position to help some families.
Some of the students we teach could conceivably be in a position to enact legislation enabling the revision of current federal standards that will better serve future generations.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Reflections on; Common Miracles: The New American Revolution in Learning
There are many excerpts in this documentary that were thought provoking and evocative. It touched on many issues concerning the potential of the human mind, with the central focus on learning. Too often in the past, children with great potential are left to flounder because of traditional learning strategies. It is clear from some poignant examples in this film that everyone has the ability to learn regardless of there race, gender, color, origin and/or disabilities. We all can learn from each other, which in turn, enrich everyone, by broadening his/her horizons across a vast demographic landscape to better serve society.
There is one excerpt in this film that had a profound effect on me. This was the segment which involved a school whereby the children’s scores didn’t meet the standards of assessment. The school implemented new learning methodologies, supported by research that was both motivating and exciting. As a result it became and accelerated school within three years.
This has compelled me to think about the many children that are left behind because of the institutions’ inability to facilitate the kinds of learning practices depicted in this school. It will be a tragedy to continue to lose children because of these inadequacies.
In my opinion teachers need to continue to educate themselves, to stay informed about updated research related to learning. This will enable them to keep children excited and motivated, which are important ingredients for effective learning.
I think the future teacher should have clear and definitive goals of what he/she wants to accomplish. It should be expected that part of the teachers self fulfillment would be to adopt a strategy of teaching that treat children as equals and not label them. Children tend to work better in such an environment and there is research that supports this.
The traditional methods of teaching should be avoided. The fallacies inherent in some of these methods are intellectually debilitating, unchallenging, and ineffective.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Views about the Pedagogy of Poverty by Martin Haberman
In my view this is an attempt not to define what the pedagogy of poverty means, but to make teachers, and administrator’s aware of the methodologies and ideologies that strangle the system. This article is a scholarly attempt to be forthright about issues that plaque urban schools. Haberman attempts to engage in dialogue about teacher and student, analyzing from both perspectives what works and what doesn’t. He also makes a good argument for what it means to be a successful teacher, who is in control and one who is not.
It is my view that in order to create environments that produce progressive students in today’s society; all constituencies have to be involved. This shall include parents, business people, local politicians and anyone who interacts with the community at large. With this involvement the student will and should feel that there is genuine concern about the quality of their education.
Of course there are inherent problems with the pedagogies in urban schools. However I don’t think that they are insurmountable. It is my belief that in order to have positive results one has to recognize what works and what doesn’t, and we can’t look to place blame. Doing so accomplishes nothing; therefore critically thought resolutions to the problems are more effective.
There is a plethora of ideas that becomes mindful, while reading this article, and I can go on for pages dissecting the dialogue with my personal views. However Habeman is successful in bringing the most mundane issues regarding the pedagogy of poverty to the forefront.
New Approaches to Learning
I had the opportunity of viewing a documentary, Common Miracles: The New American Revolution In Learning, on new approaches to learning that was evocative and made me reflect upon the way I have seen our educational system work for many years. It was an exemplary laboratory of new approaches to learning. This documentary clearly demonstrated that the old ways of learning just aren’t adequate to tap the unlimited potential of the human mind.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thoughts, Views, and Observations relative to the Hodgkinson article.
This article deals specifically with the demographic changes that will affect not only urban school districts but suburban as well. It is neither perplexing nor a shock to me that the dynamic changes in demographics will impact all counties of the U.S in the not so distant future. About four years ago I was confronted with this reality on a trip to my home in